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Data Strategy

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Your data matters. It deserves a Strategy.

Calligo offers Data Strategy Services that help organizations to optimize the use of data to drive business growth. They help businesses design and implement data strategies that improve decision-making, customer experience, and operational efficiency. Our team of data strategy experts collaborate with businesses to identify opportunities to use data more effectively and implement innovative data solutions that deliver tangible results.

Our services include data strategy development, data governance, data quality management, data architecture design, and master data management. We also provide ongoing support and training to ensure that businesses can continue to optimize their use of data. With our Data Strategy Services, businesses can unlock the full potential of their data to drive business growth and gain a competitive advantage in their industry.

How Data Strategy Services work

Understand your Goals

What are the ultimate objectives of the organization, and what do you hope to achieve with your data?

Identify your Data

What data sources do you have, where are they located, and how are they accessed and made available to your users?

How does data enter, move around and leave your business? How is it interacted with and where are its inefficiencies, governance weaknesses, cost sinkholes and security gaps?

Define the Strategy

Based on your objectives and current capabilities, our experts will offer a full strategic recommendation for the processes and architecture that will create the strongest and most flexible and cost-efficient foundations for exploiting your data.

Benefits of Data Strategy

Working with you to identify the specific ML use cases for your business with clearly defined outcomes, using our Data Science by Design methodology.
Identifying the most beneficial use cases for your business needs and applying deep industry experience to de-risk the solution. Resulting in a higher return on your investment.
By leveraging the specialist expertise and hands-on experience of our data scientists, we execute highly effective and impactful ML strategies at pace.
We pinpoint our data science skills against your unique objectives, resulting in highly accurate, targeted outcomes, compared to out-of-the-box solutions.
85% of ML projects fail to deliver, with only 53% reaching the production phase. At Calligo, our process optimizes the rate of ML solutions moving from prototype to production.
Unlike others in the market, we combine innovative technologies and human intelligence to deliver solutions that are 25-50% cheaper than off-the-shelf alternatives.

Our Solve My Bycatch Problem tool is a resource for fisheries stakeholders to understand how to reduce risk to vulnerable ocean wildlife. But it’s only really valuable if people use it. The eye-catching design and easy user interface that Calligo created will help ensure that the right people get the information they need.

Kathryn Novak
Sustainable Fisheries Partnership

Talk to a Calligo specialist today