Case Study

T-Mobile Device Sales

The Challenge

T-Mobile sales performance and inventory status

T-Mobile needed timely and accurate reporting on the sales performance and inventory status of devices during the business’ most important NPI (new product introduction): the yearly Apple iPhone launch. Previous reporting did not provide decision makers with access to the most up-to-date data or a wide enough array of business metrics.

The Action

A complex data model to support a suite of dashboards

Our team built a complex data model to support a suite of dashboards that reported on up-to-the-hour sales and daily inventory metrics as well as relevant KPIs to help business stakeholders put current data into the correct context. The solution was flexible enough so that we could adjust reporting based on the changing needs of the business.

Tools and Technologies Used:

  • Power BI Desktop
  • Power BI Report Builder
  • SQL Server (SSMS)
  • Primarily Data Analysis and Data Visualization

The Impact

Our developed reports received high stakeholder engagement

Our data models surfaced crucial data for the first time during an NPI, and our reports were consulted hourly by stakeholders across the entire Marketing division to make daily business decisions. By providing a single source of truth for this event, business leaders were able to spend less time performing QA/QC and more time discussing the results.

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